An ultrasond showing a teeny, tiny, gummy-bear sized baby.
Look! I have a bun in the oven.
After three pregnancy tests, I was convinced that I might be pregnant.
Rex and Olive dress up and dance for joy.
With each test I take, the big, blue, plus sign seems more and more undeniable. It has been confirmed. For me, kissing can result in pregnancy. According to the ultrasound, our new bundle of joy is due to arrive on 09-09-09. This pregnancy occurred in record time. 12 days after deciding to start trying for another kid, we were pregnant. For the record, we didn't even find time for each other more than a couple times. So, it is almost unbelievable. I almost feel cheated. We didn't get to try for very long. With Rex, we were pregnant in 17 days, and with Olive, I was on birth control when I got pregnant. Richard and I don't even dare wash our underwear together unless we are sure we are ready for more kids. I guess we are ready. If the baby is a boy, chances are his name will be Ike Earl Ashcraft. If it is a girl, I love the name Lola, and Richard likes Tess, so her name will probably be Ivy Camille Ashcraft.
As for Olive,her white blood counts have been horribly low all month and her bone marrow is struggling to recover. She was scheduled for chemo last Friday, but her counts were short by 520. Yesterday, my birthday plans included a day with my daughter at the cancer clinic. We arrived shortly after 8:30, by 10:15 we were home again. Olive's white blood counts are 60 cells too low. We are hoping she will be eligible by Wednesday. What does all this delay mean? Medically, I am not sure. Olive will probably have to start receiving daily injections to stimulate her bone marrow. For me, it means we won't be done with chemo until after the new baby arrives. Not ideal, but what can you do.
As for Rex, he doesn't want a baby brother, or a new girl baby. I hate to break it to him, but there is no turning back now, boy or girl, a new baby is coming.
That bun in the oven picture is hilarious!
I like the pic of Olive and Rex dressing up and dancing. They are so freakin' cute! You are so damn fertile it just amazes me! Congrats again. P.S. Will you tell Olive's bone marrow to get its act together for me? I'm sure it will listen :)
Yeah!!!! You are a fertile murtle! I love it! You guys make such cute just can't stop now! Congratulations!
I am so happy for you. You are the msot fertile person I know. I am envious. Love to the munchkins!
We miss you
Love the name Ivy. Congrats. I thought at first your pregnancy tests were some kind of plane propeller! Anyway, exactly a year ago I found out that I was also pregnant and due the middle of September, and now I;m literally going insane. Good luck!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you two. I mean four. A new baby is always a treasure. You are great parents, and have adorable children!
Congrats on the baby!! Grandma just told me about you guys. How exciting!
Camille! Please don't think I'm a loser! Sean has your phone number on our laptop and he has been taking that to work and I keep forgetting to ask him for it while he is there!!!! I also don't have caller ID!
So, please, please, please when you get this message, call me back!! If I don't answer, please leave your number! I would love to talk to you!!
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